Friday, March 13, 2009

The Follow Up Playdate

So, the play date went well yesterday and believe it or not, we did just about finish the quilt. I'm picking it up today to finish it up. Mum, I'm never letting you look at this up close. I'll hold it up about oh, 1/2 a mile away and you can look at it. It's ok, but well, let's just say we're not professionals or even amatures. Hmm. yeah.

Anyway... Baboo did really well yesterday. She didn't destroy anything or stink us out of the house.

On the way over, I said to Mouse that she was NOT going to take all of the toys out at once and that if she played with something she was going to put it away before she got something else out. She agreed and said she understood.

Shortly after we arrived, my friend went to check on the girls who started playing right away and said pretty much the exact same thing, emphasizing that the toys not be left all over the floor. I guess there were so many toys on the floor the other day that a few things got broken because the kids stepped on them.

I said quietly to my friend "You know, Mouse is going to get you on that floor technicality".

So the big girls got involved playing "mermaids" which involved a lot of flopping around on the floor, rescuing eachother and piling of "treasures" aka toys on the mini-trampoline (which Baboo found so tasty last time).

So, it's after lunch and we check on the girls. There is a MOUNTAIN of toys; horses, stuffed toys, play food, pieces of paper, balloons, blankets and pillows on the trampoline. My friend goes down to her daughter's bedroom where the girls are now playing. She walks in and Mouse says "Look how clean it is in here!" My friend says "Yes, but ALL the toys are on the trampoline in the living room". To which Mouse replies "But, they're not on the floor! The floor is nice and clean. Just like you asked us to do".

Hmmm. Can't really argue with that. I think my friend's mouth dropped open a little. When she came and told me what Mouse had said, I reminded her that I did warn her that Mouse would be very specific about her directions, she's a rule follower to the "T".

For the record, we did stay and help put the house and room back to rights before we left and the girls definitely did their share.

It's still pretty funny, though.

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