Thursday, March 12, 2009

Apparently it IS Rocket Science

So tonight I tried to make the cakes for Baboo’s birthday on Saturday. My plan was to make the cakes tonight, frost and decorate them tomorrow night and then assemble it on Saturday morning.

I’m generally a smart person. Generally a pretty good cook and I’ve baked cakes from scratch before, but I mean, seriously… what the hell is this???

Good grief! I didn’t even finish baking them because I mean, really, what is the point? Thank goodness I put them on a pan or I’d have one hell of a mess in my oven. Not that it’s exactly “pretty” right now, but at least it doesn’t have burnt cake batter on top of all the other burnt crap in there. I guess my pans were too small.

Apparently for me, baking a cake IS rocket science. And very obviously, I am not a rocket scientist.

I’m off to find a better recipe, or maybe just buy a box cake and I’m adding to my birthday list a GOOD cookie/cake cook book.


Rebecca said...

I'm laughing- with you, I promise.
I did box cake, for the first time, for my cupcake marathon. I even fessed up to my mother. Substitute the water for butermilk, makes it less box tasting.

I almost called for your damn good chocolate cake recipe...

Left of Ordinary said...

It IS funny... and I'm making damn good chocolate cake. I wasn't going to but I have everything here and well, it's just damn good. Why mess with that?? ha.