Thursday, August 27, 2009

More Words of Widsom from Baboo

Last night, shortly after I put Baboo to bed, I heard her in the bathroom upstairs. Suspecting she needed some help with the potty, I went upstairs to check on her. She had taken her pajama bottoms and pull up off and was sitting on the potty in the bathroom.

Baboo: Mommy. I just goin’ potty.
Me: Ok. Do you need some help?
Baboo: (grunting). Noooo.
Me: Do you need to go poop?
Baboo: I think so. (grunting and pushing).
Me: Well, you did go poop earlier today. Is there more?
Baboo: I think so. I need more power! (pushing harder)
Me: What?!
Baboo: Mommy, put me on the toilet so I can have more power!
Me: (putting her on the toilet). Ooook.
Baboo: Mommy! Where’s my power?
Me (power? Power?)… Uh… Oh, like when you farted earlier on the toilet and the poop came out?
Baboo: YEAH! That! Where my POWER?!
Me: Um, well… maybe you used it all up earlier.
Baboo: Sigh. Ok. I guess I get more power tomorrow.
Me: Thanks for the warning.

(if you hear a loud explosion over our house tomorrow, you know it’s just Baboo and she’s found her “power”).

We were driving in the car on the way to gymnastics today and discussing going to the doctor and who needs to go for check-ups.

Mouse: Mommy, YOU have to go to the doctor for a checkup. Just like ME.
Baboo: Yeah! I need a hiccup too!
Mouse: You don’t have the hiccups!
Baboo: Yes, I need hiccups too. And Daddy goes to the doctor to get hiccups too! We ALL need to get hiccups.
Me: (trying to drive while laughing…)
Mouse: Baaaabooo! Not HICCUPS, CHECK-UPS!
Baboo: That’s what I SAID… hiccups.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never considered gas to be power but now that she's mentioned it, seems appropriate.

Hiccups? I'm sure she was tormenting her older sister.

Keep it coming. Love, M