Sunday, June 7, 2009

More Lost Things...

ARGH! I'm beyond frustrated. I have not been able to find my keys since Thursday night! I know we were out most of Thursday, I unlocked the door when we came home and I KNOW I had my keys. But when I went out on Thursday evening, I couldn't find them. I've looked in the obvious places and have cleaned off my desk, searched my pockets/purses/bags etc, but they are still MIA.

I'm more than a bit pissed because I've got all my grocery store/movie/library keychain cards on there. I actually went shopping at a "real" grocery store last night (instead of just Walmart/Aldi) and ended up just getting a new saver card because I could not even remember what phone number I put down on the old card. Good grief.

And I've tried asking the kids as well. They have no idea.

This is soooo unlike me. I don't usually lose stuff like this for DAYS.

Some one please kick me in the pants and help me find my damn keys!!! I'm sure they'll turn up someplace stupid, but I just wish the stupid place would reveal itself to me SOONER. ARGH.

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