Monday, June 1, 2009

Feelin' Old

Yesterday morning, Hubster took the girls out on an errand with him so I could take my time getting ready. It was nice to have a shower and not be rushed, or feel like I “should” be rushing.

As I’m brushing my teeth and doing my hair, I’m wondering who that tired, baggy-eyed, gray-haired old lady in the mirror is. Sigh, it’s me.

However, suck it up, I slap on a bit of make-up and a smile, finish getting dressed and go to meet the gang who have returned from their errand and are ready to move onto our next tasks for the day.

I slog through the day in a half-awake stupor. I’m exhausted these days in a bone-tired, barely focusing kind of way. We ran some errands and I’m HOPING for a nap after lunch, but the sun is out and the girls are begging to go the pool. So, we get ready to go.

When Hubster’s not here, I have to get them to help me put sunscreen on my back and they’re pretty good at it. Yesterday, Hubster was here, but the girls still wanted to “help” Mommy. I squirted some sunscreen into their COLD little hands and bent down. They’re both smearing away, mostly in one spot, so I reminded them to spread it around all over. Mouse is maintaining a very self-important chatter as she works. She explains to Daddy that she has to help me do this VERY IMPORTANT job because my arms aren’t very long and I can’t reach my back and that it’s very important to put sunscreen on so that we don’t get sunburned. And if SHE was a grown up with very short arms, SHE would want some help too.

And, she said, “Mommy’s old. She needs LOTS of help. She can’t do this any more because she’s SO OLD.” And Baboo, piped in “Mommy is OLD”.

And then Hubster’s face collapsed as he tried not to laugh. He was wise to leave the room so I didn’t shoot him down with my old lady laser beam eyes.

I think I sputtered “Gee, thanks” to Mouse. To which she replied “Its’ ok, Mom. It’s ok to be old. One day when I’m old, I’m going to want help to do this too” as she kept working the sunscreen into my spine.

Thankfully, this OLD lady got to have a NAP after we went swimming. Apparently, I needed it, you know, cos I’m so OLD and everything.

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