Saturday, September 26, 2009


I have so much to say and not really a lot of time to process things enough to be able to articulate things well enough. Soon, I hope.

However, quickly…. Tonight, as I was tucking Baboo into bed, we were chatting for quite a while. She talked about the book we read tonight, the girl at gymnastics the other day who hit her and playing outside tonight.

I raised my eyebrows at something she said and her face lit up! She said “Mama! You have RAINBOWS on your face!”

At my confused expression, she said “When your eyebrows go up, you have rainbows on your head. Wow! ” and then she traced her finger on the wrinkles that appear on my forehead when I frown or lift my eyebrows.

So, I guess there *IS* a way to view your wrinkles positively. Frankly, I could use a few rainbows over my head right now, and here I had them all along. Go figure.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

love it! Now there's a silver lining!