Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wishing You...

I'm just hopping on quickly tonight, before we head out the door to ring in the new year with our neighbours to wish all of you a safe and happy 2010. It's hard to believe that 2009 will be over in the matter of a few hours. I don't know how it's possible, but this year seems to have flashed by even faster than last year.

I love the promise of a new year. Shiny new with no blemishes yet; like a blank page, just waiting to be filled in, and this year, we've got some good things coming up. This past year was a challenge for me in many ways, and 2010 won't be without it's challenges, but I feel good about where we are in our lives right now and am looking forward to 2010 more openly and with less trepidation than I have in the past few years.

So, a question: do you set goals/resolutions? If you do, what are your main ones for this year? I'll try to post mine tomorrow.

Whatever you do to ring in the new year, even if it means going to bed at 8:30 (not that I've ever done that... ahem. Oh... um... ok, so maybe once or twice) I hope you have fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a nice evening. We enjoyed our party with our new friends and managed to last just past midnight. Resolutions, well, you know I ALWAYS have a LIST of them, although the list has been getting shorter the older I get. This year I've changed the name to "priorities" and they are 1) Jay's wedding 2) winter holiday 3) pay down car loan. Overall the resolution is "if you don't have the cash, then you certainly shouldn't use credit". Luv U. M